I know you sweat the shirt!
It is really hard for me to follow Miss Rap Supreme with out cable so I am way behind. I have expressed my love for Lady Twist before and it saddens my soul she got the boot. But at least she was ready for it. She is full of golden nuggets! “I’m not trying to be no damn sex symbol. Lady Twist is not here to be sexy, let the record reflect that. Lady Twist is here to entertain.” That’s what’s up! Another excellent nug, “I’m pulling for the big girls, I’m pulling for the females, I’m pulling for the gays. My whole existence is a form of activism. It’s not really intentional, but that’s the way it is since I’m so different from what the “norm” is. And normal is so overrated, by the way.” That’s real talk.
Read her exit interview here.
Chiba forgets her words and gets to stay. I call bullshit. Twist may have not brought it that hard in that round but her performances on the show collectively killed Chiba’s. And what is this about not being able to understand Twist. Umm…Search, I am gonna quote my girl Fabrisha Dankins on this: “You a busted ass busta”.