Written and directed by acclaimed filmmaker Azazel Jacobs, Netflix’s His Three Daughters is an intense and poignant family portrait about three estranged sisters who reunite after their ailing father takes a turn for the worse.
Starring Carrie Coon, Natasha Lyonne, and Elizabeth Olsen, His Three Daughters follows a trio of sisters as they gather in their family’s cramped New York City apartment while they wait for the passing of their father, who is in his final days of life. Each sister is the polar opposite of the other, as control-freak Katie, sarcastic middle-child Rachel, and go-with-the-flow Christina attempt to keep the peace in the crowded tenement but are haunted by the ghosts of an unresolved past.
His Three Daughters is a masterclass in both acting and filmmaking, using the combination of conflict, confined space, and calamity to compel enough character chaos to create a cinematic classic. The fractured family story at the heart of His Three Daughters is a dramatic and moving exploration into emotional damage that is difficult to look away from due to the brilliance of each performance.
Coon, Lyonne, and Olsen create an emotional core for this heartbreaking and captivating film that will probably garner the proper amount of critical attention come awards time.
Image Via Netflix