Looking for something to do on a balmy Wednesday night? Look no further! Tonight, Paradigm Shift, New York City’s Feminist Community, presents ‘Feminist Men: Increasing Visibility,’ a panel discussion featuring BUST’s very own office-mate Vinnie Angel!
Vinnie is the awesome guy behind Vinnie’s Tampon Cases, brilliant little pouches that keep your lady products from getting crushed by a stray iPod at the bottom of your bag. He hopes his cases spark positive conversation between guys and girls about women’s bodies, a goal that we here at BUST can certainly get behind!
The panel also features Robert Brannon, co-founder of the National Organization for Men Against Sexism and Jerin Alam from the National NOW Young Feminist Task Force. Tickets are $7 if you RSVP to [email protected] before 1:00 PM, or $10 at the door. See you there!
Feminist Men: Increasing Visibility
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
7:00 PM
People Lounge
163 Allen St.
New York, NY
photo courtesy of tamponcase.com