BUST School For Creative Living is taking place this December 8th and 9th at Brooklyn Expo Center in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. There will be classes, panels, and workshops led by verious incredible and insightful people, and it will be happening alongside the BUST Craftacular, which will feature multiple independent artists, healers, and makers with their original creations for sale.
This year, we’re excited to announce the “Shout Your Abortion: Safe, Legal, and Absolutely Shameless” panel, which will be led by Shout Your Abortion co-founder Amelia Bonow and feature activists Joyelle Johnson, Megan Harding, Viva Ruiz, Danielle Campoamor, Aiyana Knauer, and Poppy Liu. There will be two different panels, one on Saturday, December 8th at 4pm, and one on Sunday, December 9th at 1:15pm.
The panel builds off of the #ShoutYourAbortion movement, which was started by Amelia Bonow and Lindy West in response to a Facebook post Bonow made celebrating and offering gratitude for her abortion at Planned Parenthood, which quickly went viral. Bonow, along with West, realized that the space for women to talk about their abortions without shame or stigma was of extreme importance, particularly in the wake of The House of Representatives voting to defund Planned Parenthood.
In a previous interview with BUST, Bonow states, “As evidenced by the way #ShoutYourAbortion is taking off, sharing this information publicly and unapologetically has the power to reclaim the conversation around abortion. Women need to be at the center of this conversation; our voices should be the loudest and they have been drowned out for far too long.”
We can’t wait to be a part of this dialogue as it expands and takes shape during the live panel—it’s going to be an amazing group of women leading and moderating it, so we hope you can all attend! You can visit their website at shoutyourabortion.com.
Join us at the BUST Craftacular and the School For Creative Living 11a.m.-7p.m. on Saturday, December 8 and Sunday, December 9 at Brooklyn Expo center in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Admission is free; learn more and purchase class tickets here.
top photo courtesy of shoutyourabortion.com.
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