Anti-semitic hate crimes have spiked since Donald Trump’s win in November, and it’s only been getting worse. CNN reported that in January alone, 48 Jewish Community Centers spanning across 27 states and one Canadian province received nearly 60 bomb threats.
The threats were grouped together, coming in the form of phone calls, in waves on three days: January 9, 18 and 31. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency released a recording of one of the bomb threats made; the caller told the JCC that a C-4 bomb was placed in the building and that “a large number of Jews are going to be slaughtered.”
While JCCs across the United States are heightening security and parents are withdrawing their children from JCC early childhood education programs, President Trump has more or less ignored the issue.
During a joint news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Donald Trump was asked directly by an Israeli reporter about the “sharp rise in anti-Semitic incidents across the Unites States.” In classic Trump fashion, Trump skirted the question, instead talking about his “tremendous” electoral college win:
Yet another important issue dodged by our President.
Top photo: flickr; bottom photo: the transcript of Donald Trump’s joint news conference with the Israeli Prime Minister
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