American Idol

by Laurie Henzel

I’m a little embarrassed to admit to watching American Idol, but it was really great having Dolly on the show tonight. Of course she is too nice to "judge anyone"-she is just so sweet you cant help but love her! And for once the kids did pretty good with their versions of her songs. Unfortunately my favorite "Coat of Many Colors" which always gets me a little verklempt, was sung by my least favorite, Kristy lee,  and it did not wow. Australian Michael was great, and Saisha did a 1/2 Dolly 1/2 Whitney version of "I will always love you". All in all, I have to say this group of singers seem alot cooler than past seasons, or maybe I’m just getting dorkier and dumber from watching so much bad TV?  Now they just have to get Whitney on as a special guest- ha! 

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