Do you like art? Do you like ladies? Do you like art made by ladies? If you’re in Philly, you should definitely check out the show “Also, Books” which opens this weekend at Space 1026. And even if you don’t live in the area, you should peep the work of the show’s four inspiring women cause they are all crazy talented:
Aidan Koch (that’s her piece above) is an illustrator from the Pacific Northwest whose comics—full of bright colors and abstract stories—are intoxicating.
Caroline Hwang is a Brooklyn-based artist who takes crafting to the next level. Her pieces are beautiful and poignant.
Lizz Hickey is a printmaker and cartoonist in Brooklyn. Homegirl is hilarious.
Beth Heinly is a Philly-based artist who has her hands in performance, comics, and plenty of zines. Kooky and badass. She’ll be doing her performance (Celebrity Fitness Hour) at the gallery on Tuesday, August 23rd, at 6pm.
Also, Books
featuring: Beth Heinly, Lizz Hickey, Caroline Hwang, and Aidan Koch
1026 Arch Street, 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA
August 5 – August 26, 2011
Opening Reception: Friday August 5, 7 – 10 pm.