Irritability, increased tiredness, chocolate cravings, constant hunger, and a more easily upset disposition—these are all symptoms that sound familiar to anybody with a menstrual cycle, but also familiar the 26 percent of British men who say that yes it’s true: they have a man period.
A recent study done by Vouchercloud found that out of 1,206 British men in co-habituating relationships with women, a little more than a quarter say they experience a monthly “man period.” Of those who do feel like they have a man period, 56 percent say they feel more irritable, 47 percent start craving things like chocolate and ice cream, and even 12 percent say they get more sensitive about their weight.
These poor, poor men with their man periods, it must be so inconvenient for them. You would think with an actual quarter agreeing that, they experience this they would lift the tampon tax. But wait that’s right, they don’t actually bleed so I guess they wouldn’t understand that.
The weirdest part about the survey—apart from 5 percent of the man-period men claiming they have menstrual cramps—is that Vouchercloud reported 48 percent of the women surveyed claim they think their partner experiences a “man period,” and 18 percent say their partner “handles their period worse” than they do.
The first instinctual reaction that comes with reading this survey is literally laughing out loud, but the Telegraph interviewed Jed Diamond, author of The Irritable Male Syndrome, and he said that like women, men’s bodies are also controlled by hormones so this man-period phenomenon aligns with their chemical makeup.
While I totally believe that hormonal cycles could have something to do with it, I’m going to make a wild claim at saying that maybe these men are just experiencing emotions. Instead of just dealing with their feels, they have to draw a connection that links their CRAZY emotional feelings to the menstrual cycle, because there’s no other possible explanation.
If you feel like any men in your life have a man period, I want to hear about it. In the meantime, I’m going to laugh at some more comedic Internet photos about man periods.
Photos via Vouchercloud, Some Ecards/esullivan63, YouTube/WaterAid and Some Ecards/hkoss23.
GIFs via Giphy.
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